Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Stretching...and soreness and injury.

I found very well written article which I agree with.

"So is it wise to stretch when you are sore? It really depends on the goal of the stretch. If your goal is to increase flexibility, you'll likely do more harm than good.
If your goal is to relieve the soreness, light stretching is a great idea. Keyword: [LIGHT] Avoid isometrics and static-active stretches during these times, soreness is a sign of muscle tissue damage. Stretching exercises like these can compound the damage and delay recovery. Stick to light dynamic or relaxed stretching and perform only enough to feel relief. If we are talking about injury, you can probably do some slow dynamic stretches, or some gentle relaxed stretches, possibly some static-active stretches, but again: DO NOT focus on flexibility gains during these times. Avoid all exercises with strong muscular tensions as well as any movements at the maximum range of motion. When a muscular injury heals, it heals at a shorter length. Very light stretching, preferably light relaxed stretching, could help prevent an excessive loss of flexibility and sometimes relieve pain. Following an injury, it's essential to regain lost flexibility to prevent relapse. But, on a final note: DURING INJURY OR SORENESS - YOUR GOAL SHOULD NOT BE TO INCREASE FLEXIBILITY / ONLY RELIEVE PAIN OR PREVENT EXCESSIVE LOSS OF FLEXIBILITY. "

the article is taken from http://trickstutorials.com/index.php?page=content/flx2

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